Recipe: Tasty Onde onde

Onde onde. Onde-onde (or Ondeh-ondeh) are made with pandan (screwpine leaf) infused dough and filled with Gula Melaka or palm sugar. Roll them with grated coconut before serving. Onde-onde or onde onde may refer to: Klepon, a boiled rice cake stuffed with palm sugar.

Onde onde Paling best bila gula melaka cair dalam mulut. In Singapore and Malaysia, onde-onde refers to glutinous rice balls dessert. Each onde-onde is coated with fresh shredded coconut. You can cook Onde onde using 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Onde onde

  1. You need of Bahan isian.
  2. Prepare 60 gr of kacang hijau.
  3. It's 65 gr of santan kental.
  4. It's 45 gr of gula pasir.
  5. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam + vanili bubuk.
  6. It's of Bahan kulit onde.
  7. You need 165 gr of tepung ketan.
  8. It's 100 ml of air hangat.
  9. You need 45 gr of gula halus.
  10. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  11. Prepare secukupnya of Wijen dan air.

Get all the tips to make this traditional dessert. These balls of Ondeh-Ondeh are so fun to eat. Made with sweet potatoes and glutinous rice flour rolled in coconut with a little surprise on the inside. Isian onde-onde klasik adalah kacang hijau yang dihaluskan.

Onde onde instructions

  1. Buat isian terlebih dahulu : rendam kacang hijau semalaman,lalu rebus selama 25 mnt api kecil saja.
  2. Tiriskan lalu blender semua bahan isian hingga lembut,lalu masukkan kedalam teflon,api kecil,aduk hingga bisa di pulung.
  3. Bagi menjadi 24 buah sama rata.
  4. Buat kulit onde : masukkan semua bahan kulit kecuali wijen,aduk hingga bisa di pulung bagi menjadi 24 buah.
  5. Lalu masukkan isian kacang hijau kedalam adonan kulit, seterusnya seperti itu..bulatkkan.
  6. Masukkan kedalam air lalu balur dengan wijen bulatkkan kembali.
  7. Goreng : masukkan onde kedalam minyak yang masih dingin lalu nyalakan api kecil lalu jika sudah mengapung besarkan api tapi jangan terlalu besar.
  8. Goreng hingga agak coklat atau matang.

Namun, kamu juga bisa berkreasi Cara membuat onde-onde dari Sajian Sedap ini cocok bagi kamu yang mencari camilan manis non oven. Find onde onde stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Lihat juga resep Onde-Onde khas Manado enak lainnya. Onde-onde or onde onde may refer to: Klepon, a boiled rice cake stuffed with palm sugar. Jin deui, a pastry made from rice flour covered in sesame seeds.

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